The Atlantic’s ‘Dear Therapist’ Surprising Response about Adoption

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The Atlantic Monthly magazine recently published a ‘Dear Therapist’ column about the adoptee experience. A letter was written by a grandmother (Lynne) concerned that her daughter’s child whom she relinquished for adoption was not interested in knowing her biological mother. The therapist’s response to Lynne was a reassuring piece valuing the adopted daughter’s experiences. I… Continue reading The Atlantic’s ‘Dear Therapist’ Surprising Response about Adoption

We babysat a white girl for a weekend. Everyone thought we adopted her.

The little girl’s name was Lily. Sasmita formerly nannied for the family and they asked us if we could watch her one weekend this past January at their D.C. house. That Saturday we went to a trendy place a few blocks from their house called Union Market. It has a few restaurants and some specialty food stores, but it’s popular for its delicious… Continue reading We babysat a white girl for a weekend. Everyone thought we adopted her.

A Small Thank You to my Parents this Thanksgiving 2014

For those unaware, this is National Adoption Awareness Month. There has been a lot of social media about this, some good pieces in well-known magazines, like the NY Times and elsewhere. National Adoption Month, was created to raise awareness and celebrate foster care adoption. In recent years it has been co-opted by the Adoption lobby and by those… Continue reading A Small Thank You to my Parents this Thanksgiving 2014

Dear Readers,
Below is a re-post from Land of Gazillion Adoptees as promised.

I’m also in the midst of re-designing this blog.

One of the more surprising revelations after living in India in 2011, was learning that the Dalits, formerly the “untouchables,” are no fans of Mahatma Gandhi. Coming from the United States and Western society in general, the Mahatma is held up as a paragon of non-violence and civil disobedience. I would guess that most in the US consider his life and his work as one of the most selfless, incredibly beautiful and inspiring of the modern world. The belief is less in India.

Still an Outsider-but that’s OK

Hello from Delhi, In puzzling over what my first post from India should say, I decided to be more philosophical, real and shy away from the day to day narrative of my life here. Perhaps that will come later. This post, however, is more of a reflection on my evolution of thought, as an Indian… Continue reading Still an Outsider-but that’s OK

Musings on the “Benefits of International Adoption.”

My apologies for such a long time in between posts! Since I’m a DC resident I’ve been dealing with the snow, and that coupled with my graduate school studies have kept me quite busy. I’ve got some new posts in the pipeline coming soon, so be patient with me. Some of you may have seen… Continue reading Musings on the “Benefits of International Adoption.”