Happy 4th Birthday to WorldCitizensBlog!

Dear Readers,

Sunday marked four years of putting my thoughts on the web as a blogger. It continues to be an incredible journey for me. On Father’s Day in 2009, I began this blog. I am amazed by where it has gone since.

I hope my blog has educated you about adoption issues and conversations as well.

This blog has helped me learn about myself in the most public of ways, revealing parts of who I am to you all. I had kept many of these feelings and thoughts hidden away for years, but having you as readers helps me explore feelings of inadequacy and doubt, pain and sorrow, anger, loss and confusion.

However, I have also invited you to share in my exaltation and happiness in completing a Master’s program, returning to India for a spell, and, most importantly, marrying Sasmita, whom I love above all. In fact, this blog was a major reason Sasmita wanted to get to know me while interning with Dalit Foundation. But that is a story for another time.

You have joined me in exploring all aspects of my adoption adventure and your consistent enthusiasm about my narrative pushes me to examine issues long-buried.

I cannot thank you enough.

Writing is the hardest of endeavors and every time I want to quit, someone endorses my ability to put words on paper and reaffirms the importance of not just sharing my story, but also expressing the voice of adoptees.

I do not get thousands of hits, but I have consistent readers, who actually want to read what I say. What an amazing feeling! Writing, especially about oneself, makes you vulnerable in a way nothing else does. You have always been a wonderful audience to my thoughts.

I am grateful for your encouragement, your fantastic feedback, the challenges to my thinking and the many conversations with numbers of you around adoption issues.

Keep reading and sharing with folks you think would be interested. World Citizens Blog would never be what it is today without you.

Thanks again,



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