Categories: India

Happy 67th birthday India!

I realize it has been quite a while between posts. My continuing job search and a part-time internship at a conflict transformation NGO have sapped my writing energy.

I also just celebrated my one-year wedding anniversary with Sasmita.

However, on my homeland’s 67th birthday I wanted to share a sober editorial summing up many of my thoughts about contemporary India.

I read this article on the bus this morning and nodded my head, agreeing with most of it.

I remain hopeful that India will continue ascending the development ladder, increasing its prominence on the world stage and vastly improving in areas of health, education, the rule-of-law, women’s issues and a host of others. I am optimistic that though a massive country of 1.2 billion and growing, its democracy can be sustained and strengthened.

And yet, I am so discouraged by the violence, corruption, apathy of its political power-brokers, the rise of sectarian politicos and all its other ills, which seemingly hinders prospects for success of every Indian not of a high caste or wealthy.

What do you think? Is the author painting too bleak a picture, or is it even worse than she says?

A.J. Bryant:
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